Contributors to EIP2535 Diamonds
People who have helped develop and make EIP2535 Diamonds known.
Over the past two and a half years many people have contributed to EIP2535 Diamonds. People have helped by giving valuable feedback on the standard, building tools for it, adopting it, and educating and making it known to others.
This list may be updated as more people contribute.
Many of the names in this list are in the document in the EIP2535 reference implementation that is included with the standard.
Each entry in this list consists of a person’s name if I have it and the person’s Github name.
## Contributors
* Andrew Redden (@androolloyd)
* Patrick Gallagher (@pi0neerpat)
* Leo Alt (@leonardoalt)
* Santiago Palladino (@spalladino)
* William Entriken (@fulldecent)
* Gonçalo Sá (@GNSPS)
* Brian Burns (@Droopy78)
* Ramesh Nair(@hiddentao)
* Jules Goddard (@JulesGoddard)
* Micah Zoltu (@MicahZoltu)
* Sam Wilson (@SamWilsn)
* William Morriss (@wjmelements)
* Zachary (@Remscar)
* Patrick Collins (@PatrickAlphaC)
* Hadrien Croubois (@Amxx)
* (@farreldarian)
* Kelvin Schoofs (@SchoofsKelvin)
* (@0xpApaSmURf)
* Nathan Sala (@nataouze)
* Anders Torbjornsen (@anders-torbjornsen)
* (@Pandapip1)
* Xavier Iturralde (@xibot)
* Coder Dan (@cinnabarhorse)
* GldnXross (@gldnxross)
* Christian Reitwiessner (@chriseth)
* Timidan (@Timidan)
* cyotee doge (@cyotee)
* Glory Praise Emmanuel (@emmaglorypraise)
* Ed Zynda (@ezynda3)
* Arthur Nesbitt (@nesbitta)
* Cliff Hall (@cliffhall)
* Tyler Scott Ward (@tylerscottward)
* Troy Murray (@DannyDesert)
* Dan Finlay (@danfinlay)
* Theodore Georgas (@tgeorgas)
* Aditya Palepu (@apalepu23)
* Ronan Sandford (@wighawag)
* Markus Waas (@gorgos)
* Blessing Emah (@BlessingEmah)
* Andrew Edwards
* Ashwin Yardi (@ashwinYardi)
* Marco Castignoli (@marcocastignoli)
* Blaine Bublitz (@phated)
* Bearded
* Nick Barry (@ItsNickBarry)
* (@Vectorized)
* Rachit Srivastava (@rachit2501)
* Neeraj Kashyap (@zomglings)
* Zac Denham (@zdenham)
* JA (@ubinatus)
* Carter Carlson (@cartercarlson)
* James Sayer (@jamessayer98)
* Arpit Temani (@temaniarpit27)
* Parv Garg (@parv3213)
* Publius (@publiuss)
* Guy Hance (@guyhance)
* Payn (@Ayuilos)
* Luis Schliesske (@gitpusha)
* Hilmar Orth (@hilmarx)
* Matthieu Marie Joseph (@Gauddel)
* David Uzochukwu (@davidpius95)
* TJ VanSlooten (@tjvsx)
* 0xFluffyBeard (@0xFluffyBeard)
* Florian Pfeiffer (@FlorianPfeifferKanaloaNetwork)
* Mick de Graaf(@MickdeGraaf)
* Alessio Delmonti (@Alexintosh)
* Neirenoir (@Neirenoir)
* Evert Kors (@Evert0x)
* Patrick Kim (@pakim249CAL)
* Ersan YAKIT (@ersanyakit)
* Matias Arazi (@MatiArazi)
* Lucas Grasso Ramos (@LucasGrasso)
* Nikolay Angelov (@NikolayAngelov)
* John Reynolds (@gweiworld)
* Viraz Malhotra (@viraj124)
* Kemal Emre Ballı (@emrbli)
* Zack Peng (@zackpeng)
* Ken Goldfarb (@kengoldfarb)
* Jesse Raymond (@Jesserc)